Big Apple Plumbing SSA 2014
(718) 424-0971
62-10 64 Street
Middle Village, NY 11379

National Grid had contracted us to install a new gas boiler system feeding hot water to a heat exchanger used to pre-heat incoming natural gas at one of their high-pressure gas facilities in Staten Island. The sizing of the system, design of pumps, valves and controls were performed by Ken Jr.

The system shown to the right provides over 1 million BTU/Hr in total to pre-heat incoming natural gas before it can enter pressue regulators. Each boiler alone is capable of handling 70% of the total peak required heating capacity.

Aspects of this installation include:

  • 4" sollid, reinforced concrete boiler base.

  • 100% back-up redundancy on all controls and mechanics including two near boiler pumps, two primary loop pumps, two secondary loop pumps.
  • Hard-wired natural gas detection switches to shut down all equipment in the unlikely event of an emergency.

  • Highly sensitive, accurate mixing valve to deliver proper water temperatures to the heat exchanger for pinpoint accuracy of gas temperature..

  • High-efficiency Tekmar reset controller to regulate boiler temperature during low gas demand periods when less heat is needed.

  • More efficient use of space, allowing National Grid service personnel plenty of working room for service and annual maintenance of boilers and pumps.
The old steel boiler covered in asbestos.
National Grid SI Before
The two new gas boilers after installation.
National Grid SI After 1 National Grid SI After 2




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